Kia Ora!
Throughout three weeks, we had a project in science and math, to do with circuits, voltage, resistance, current
Aim: What is the aim of this project? our aim was to calculate voltage and current, and find the area in the floor plan we chose
Method: What template did you pick and how many bulbs? What rooms did you give your house? Add a picture here. I have 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a lounge, a kitchen and a garage. I chose house plan a, the amount of bulbs i put was 7, and they are spreadout in my house
Results: Show your calculations for Area and Voltage + Current (Ohm’s Law), link to images/screenshots if you can. I have three pathways for circuits, and my total area is 174ms
The voltage of pathway one is 200V with one lightbulb
Pathway two, each of my lightbulbs is 66.67V, because I have three lightbulbs
Pathway three is the same as pathway two
Discussion: What do the terms voltage, current, resistance mean? How did you do the calculations? What do your calculations tell you about circuits and houses? Do the calculations make sense?
Voltage is the amount of energy given by the “source” or battery.
Current is the rate of flow by electrons.
Resistance is about pushing back, if you change the resistance on your light bulb the more resistance the slower the electrons.
The way I found the voltage was by doing this:

The way I found the current and resistance
Do your calculations make sense? No, I don't really understand them and the way to work out the answers
Conclusion: Did you enjoy the project? Would you do anything differently if you were to do it again? Different house or Number of bulbs? Yes, I thought it was interesting but difficult, and I would do something differently, use house plan C :D