
Monday, 28 June 2021

Week 9 do now

 Topic: Matariki (Maori New Year) should be a public holiday.

I agree with this statement and here is why. Matariki is a thing a lot of Maori people are passionate about and a lot of Maori people spend time celebrating, and it would make them and most of Aotearoa happy to have a day off to celebrate a meaningful event. Also, it would make New Zealanders realise how important Matariki is by making it a public holiday.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

week 8 do now

 Topic: English is the most important subject to learn in school!

I disagree with this statement and here is why.

I disagree with this statement because well, when you go to school for six hours everyday, are you learning English for all of those hours? No. We learn other subjects too, because they're all as important as English. Although English is important, there are others like maths and science that are important.

So again, I disagree and I don't think that English is the most important subject to learn in school.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021


 Distillation is the scientific experiment used to show the processes of evaporation and condensation.  Evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas. 

*Using coke instead of salt water

I think that classic coke will have the most sugar.


It didn't take long to burn but after it was all burned away there was burnt sugar left after. Our group got coke zero to burn so there wasn't sugar left but other chemicals that have been added to make it taste like coke, but there was way less of the burnt mixture left than with the groups that used normal coke. In the boiling tube, there wasn't much in it but it was impressive to see how much water it could make. 

So basically the heat from the experiment tube was so hot that it made the coke evaporate and slowly form drops because it became cold that dripped into the test tube and the droplets were the condensation water things. 

Monday, 21 June 2021


This week we are learning about debates so we can get a better understanding before we do our big one in the Tieke kahui!

 Describing terms that relate to a debate! 

Debate: Argue about/discuss a subject or problem, especially in a formal way.

Pro vs Con: The pros and cons are its advantages or disadvantages/proposition and opposition. 

Proposition: Pros.

Opposition: Cons.

Order of debate: Each speaker only gets a specific amount of time that they are allowed to use to get their argument across.


Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Week 7 Do Now

Topic: Your name is an important part of who you are.

In my opinion I think it is, here is why. Your name is unique to you and its how people tell the difference between you and other people. Your name makes you, you. It makes you individual from the rest. 

For example, if you did not have a name people wouldn't know who you were and you wouldn't be different from anyone else.

This is why I think having a name is an important part of who we are.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021



What are pigments?
 A pigment is a substance that is either dry or else insoluble in its liquid carrier. A pigment in liquid forms a suspension. In contrast, a dye is either a liquid colourant or else dissolves in a liquid to form a solution.

Aim: To separate the different pigments from ink using chromatography.

Hypothesis: I think the colours will separate into the different pigments/colours.

Method: Get a beaker and a strip of filter paper, cut the paper into a strip then draw a line above the end of the paper (just enough so when you put it into the beaker filled with water, it doesn't touch the water).

Picture/End result: 

For the blue one the pigments were probably just blue green and black, for the pink one it didn't work because the water touched the felt straight away like with the purple.
The most soluble was the blue one.

Health games

 Health games

Today I worked with Malia and Vanshika. They were really fun people to play the games against and I would've played with them again.

What IP skills did you use today? Did you use any warm fuzzies? I did use warm fuzzies to Malia, because she was really good at both games we played (connect four & UNO) The IP skills I used Verbal and Non Verbal communication. How did it help with the success/lack of success, of the activity? Verbal communication helped so I could determine how to play the game. Non Verbal communication helped so I could so I could point and use facial expressions during the game. I used the CARR values to stay respectful to the people I was playing with even if they won.

I would do it again, I thought the tasks were really fun. I think that the HALLISONS Behaviour Model I worked at today was level 4, here is why: I showed fair play, I cared for others, I also demonstrated good teamwork during activities.

I wasn't here on Friday so I can't continue the blog. :)

Monday, 14 June 2021

STEAM Challenge

Vanshika, Brody and I have chosen the area environment to work on and we chose the problem Fossil Fuels to work on. We have come up with a few ways to "fix" this problem.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa Questions 

1. When she was born, what name was she given? August 26th, 1910, her birth name was Agnus

2. At what age did she join the Sisters of Loreto? Mother Teresa moved to Ireland at age 18.

3. Explain her calling from God. When she was on a train ride she felt a calling from God wanting her to give up her life as a principal for the poor and become a medical worker for the poor.

4. a. Having won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, why did Mother Teresa turn down the prize winner’s banquet? She refused the prize winner's banquet, requesting that the money which would have been used to pay for such an expensive occasion, go to those who need it more.

b. What does this say about her as a person? She is a kind and compassionate woman who cares more about others than herself.

5. Write down two adjectives to describe Mother Teresa. I think the words that would describe mother Teresa are Selfless, compassionate.

6. Explain the Missionaries of Charity. She went on to spread the word about her religion.

7. When did she die? Mother Teresa died on September 5th, 1997

8. How do you think she will be remembered? As a kind, caring, compassionate person.

9. What do you believe was Mother Teresa’s purpose in life? I think her purpose was to serve God and help the poor.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

week five do now

 Topic: The principal is the most important person in the school.

I agree with this statement and here is why. What about the students? They are super important like if there were no students there would be no job for the principal. Or, what about the teachers? If they weren't there the principal would have 100-1000 children to teach each day.                                                                          So, the principal is important, but it takes more than a principal to create a school.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Concentration and dilution

 Today in science we are learning about Concentration and Dilution.

If there are lots of particles in a liquid, it is concentrated, but if there are not a lot of particles it is a dilute.

A concentration is how much solute has been dissolved in the solvent. We can measure somethings concentration on how dilute (weak) or concentrated (strong) it is. Dilute is when we make something weaker or less concentrated. 

Our experiment today is a dilution series.


It got more diluted every time and it got purple straight away after putting the crystal in. The most concentrated one was the first tube that got the crystal (10mL tube).

Solvent: Water (what the solute dissolves in)

Solute: Potassium Permanganate (what gets dissolved in the solvent)

health cup game

2 weeks ago in health with Miss Petrie, we were split into table groups. They were coloured and I was in the blue team with EJ, Emalea, and Sydney. We got ten minutes to practice to task. The task was to get five cups over the table gap with a piece of string. It was pretty easy once we got the hang of it, so after practising we had the "competition" to see what team could get the fastest time across the the table gap, and our team was second up.  
Well we got disqualified :')