Why is Matariki so important to New Zealanders?
Some people celebrate Halloween, some people celebrate Valentine's day but for most Maࠢori people they celebrate Matariki.
Firstly Matariki is important to Maࠢori people because it is a sign that their crops will grow really well that year, and the Kaimoana (fish) will me good as well.
Secondly Matariki is important because the seven sisters bring special gifts like the plants, the ocean and nature. These bring life to us so we can survive. That's what makes the gifts so special.
Next Matariki is so important the meaning of Matariki is “the eyes of the gods”, this story is important because it has been passed down by generations.
Therefore Matariki is very special. In the time of Matariki we plan our future and reflect on our past.
By Lauren